Gross National Happiness


Mission: To create a unique place of reflection, learning and action where nature culture and spirituality blend in a harmonious way towards happiness and compassion for the society.

Vision: Empowering people through compassion and wisdom towards a mindful and happy society.

The initiatives will manifest some core mandates of GNHCB such as:

  • ‘To offer a space from where individuals live refreshed, invigorated, and empowered with inspiration and understanding of GNH principles, values and practices meaningfully in their daily lives and work.’
  • Contribute towards leadership development for future generation of leaders.
  • Include spiritual and cultural values of Bhutan.

Membership requirement: in order to be considered for GNH club membership, the interested party must adheres to following:

Club must have monthly meetings to report on their activities; a report must be submitted to the GNH Centre Bhutan.

Club activities must include crafts, outing, regular meetings, fund raising, outreach activities, other relevant activities.

Members who do not comply with these regulations may be placed on probation or be asked to withdraw from club membership.