Code of Practice for Teaching and Learning

  1. Introduction

 Teaching and learning activities in all Colleges and Institutes of the University shall be governed by the codes of practice for students and staff set out below. The statement of the responsibilities at all levels of the university is to provide guidance on student and staff behavior and rights in teaching and learning activities and to show how the responsibilities at different levels complement each other. The responsibilities ofstudents, and the responsibilities of staff at different levels, are regarded as reciprocal, so the responsibilities of one group imply the rights of the other.

2. Responsibilities of Students

Students of the University have the following responsibilities to:

2.1  apply themselves to their studies to the best of their abilities;

2.2  become familiar with the rules and regulations governing the award in whichthey are enrolled, and to ensure that the modules selected meet the degreerequirements;

2.3  be aware of the policies and practices and expectations of the University setout in the RUB Wheel of Academic Law and of any College/Institute anddepartment in which they are enrolled and which are contained in theprogramme handbook, module materials and information made available tothem;

2.4  be aware of, and act according to, the rules and regulations concerning theuse of College/Institute computing, library and other facilities, and so torespect the rights of other learners;

2.5  meet deadlines for module work to be submitted;

2.6  take the initiative and consult appropriately when problems arise in anymodule;

2.7  submit original work for assessment without plagiarizing or cheating;

2.8  attend all organized teaching/learning activities, including professionalplacements, for each module in which they are enrolled (on-campusstudents) and, for off-campus students, to consider thoroughly allprogramme materials and participate in all prescribed residential schools;

2.9  accept joint responsibility for their own learning along with the teachingstaff;

2.10       provide feedback to staff about (a) teaching and learning practices and (b)the quality of modules as well as to contribute to the development ofuniversity programmes and policies as appropriate;

2.11       be aware of the University’s commitment to equal opportunity and todemonstrate tolerance and respect for all members of the universitycommunity including respect of the right of staff members to express viewsand opinions; and

2.12       respect the working environment of others in all areas of the University.

 Note: Infringement of responsibilities 2.4 and 2.7 may lead to disciplinary action.

 3. Responsibilities of the Staff

Staff of the University have the following responsibilities to:

3.1 Ensure the publication and distribution to students of clear, accurate and timely information concerning relevant regulations, policies, procedures and expectations of modules, and on other matters affecting students’ studies;

3.2 Develop students’ knowledge, understandings, skills and attitudes asdefined in the objectives of the University, programmes and modules, by providing them with teaching programmes course materials, activities and tasks appropriate to the development of these attributes;

3.3 Provide students with opportunities to be involved in the structuring of theirown learning experiences, and encourage them to take joint responsibilityfor their own learning;

3.4 Take into account the prior knowledge, abilities and backgrounds of studentsin planning teaching activities;

3.5 Assist students to learn from assessment tasks by providing them withtimely and constructive feedback especially during the work of the module;

3.6 Attend all classes as timetabled and where this is not possible to ensurethat a colleague, competent in that area, will act as a substitute teacher;

3.7 Be available to discuss learning, including assessment tasks, with studentsor to arrange for a fully briefed delegate to be available for that purpose oracademically engage the students or make alternative appropriatearrangements in consultation with the Dean AA and Head of Department(HOD)

3.8 Encourage and enable students to evaluate their own and each other’s workcritically;

3.9 Make time available for giving advice to and for supervising individualstudents;

3.10 Strive for excellence in their teaching, and to seek and pay attention tofeedback from students about the effectiveness and appropriateness oftheir teaching and of the quality of the modules in which they teach;

3.11 Ensure that all students, regardless of their background or characteristics,have an equal opportunity to learn and to demonstrate that learning;

3.12   Respect students’ right to express views and opinions;

3.13 Demonstrate concern for the welfare and progress of individual students;andWhen they are engaged in assessing or supervising the work of studentswith whom they have a relationship, they will ensure that they do not giveundue advantage

3.14  Infringement of responsibilities 3.6, 3.11 and 3.14 are considered seriousand may lead to disciplinary action.

4.Responsibilities of Departments

 These responsibilities are exercised through the Head of Department and or Programme Leader. They may be delegated to a module coordinator or be exercisedthrough a departmental or programme committee. Such delegations should be clearly defined.

The Department has the responsibility to:

4.1 encourage staff to participate in professional development in teaching and learning (including those that relate to teaching cross culturally and acquiring skills in nondiscriminatory teaching practice) organized by the Department, and CULT;

4.2 ensure workload amongst Departmental staff are equitable where thatworkload consists of teaching, research and service;

4.3 encourage academic staff to spend at least 20% of their time on research;

4.4 provide, during the first week of the commencement of a module, accurate,written information concerning the objectives of each module, attendanceand assessment tasks, the methods of assessment to be used, and theweighting of that assessment;

4.5 ensure that all classes as timetabled have staff present for teaching andlearning to take place;

4.6 provide access for students, by appointment, to academic staff outsidetimetabled class time;

4.7 ensure that contemporary information, properly referenced, informs studentlearning;

4.8 encourage academics to include information from research within theDepartment;

4.9 ensure that modules use relevant teaching and learning strategies,including, where appropriate, student-centred approaches and learningtechnology tools;

4.10      return assessed written work (excluding examination scripts) withconstructive comments provided in a timely manner;

4.11      ensure that all assessment is appropriately related to the learning outcomesof the module;

4.12      make special arrangements where performance is adversely affected bydocumented illness, disability or other serious cause; and

4.13      follow up on anonymous student evaluations of teaching and moduleevaluations with the lecturing staff concerned.

5. Responsibilities of Colleges/Institutes

Colleges/Institutes have the responsibility to:

5.1 ensure that applicants for admission to candidature are properly qualified with respect to the minimum requirements for entry to the programme concerned and with respect to the particular programme of study proposed;

5.2 ensure the appropriate timing of compulsory modules and the availability ofsufficient optional modules so that a student passing all modules at the firstattempt may complete the programme of study within the specifiedminimum time;

5.3 provide the framework for module, programme and curriculum developmentthrough conducting regular evaluation processes, including anonymousstudent evaluations of academics’ teaching and of modules;

5.4 ensure that workloads across Departments are equitable;

5.5 provide the resource framework for optimal learning conditions across theCollege/Institute including adequate library facilities;

5.6 encourage all staff members to value the work of general staff as essentialto the work of the University;

5.7 adhere to the procedures laid down by the Academic Board for developingnew programmes, reviewing or making major changes to existing programs.

5.8 subsequent upon University’s approval, encourage consultancy services inthe colleges and;

5.9 ensure to abide safety and healthy environment responsibilities by studentsand make aware for lecturers


  1. 6. Responsibilities of the University

The University has the responsibility to:

6.1 ensure that appropriate University policies in respect of teaching, learning and assessment are developed, kept under review and are effectively promulgated;

6.2 abide by the University’s policies on occupational health and safety so thatstudents study and lecturers work in a safe and healthy environment;

6.3 ensure that resource provision across Colleges/Institutes is equitable andopen according to principles established for this purpose;

6.4 ensure that adequate development opportunities in teaching, learning andassessment practices are available to lecturers through the Centre forUniversity Teaching and Learning, and/or through programmes developedby Departments and Colleges/Institutes;

6.5 ensure that clear policies exist with respect to the intellectual property rightsof students and that students are aware of those rights;

6.6 ensure that all students are free in all matters relevant to enrolment,assessment and membership of the University community fromdiscrimination or harassment on the basis of race, gender, age, political orsexual preference, marital status, religion, disability or personal beliefs;

6.7 uphold the RUB Code of Teaching and Learning; and

6.8 ensure a quality learning environment, including appropriate and properlymaintained facilities.

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